
Now I am pretty sure this is bad

April isn't even getting online now. Guess I can call this terminal now. Will try e-mailing her and see if cybergroveling will work.

So in my last post I made mention of waiting for her for three years. Why? Well, it had everything to do with me being 22 and she was just 15. I knew she was in love with me, and I felt something for her... but, we waited until she got older. Not to say it was entirely wait until she's 18 before we met. Went and saw her the following year, and we did kiss.

Fast forward to a few months ago. We eagerly anticipated her turning 18, as that meant we would see each other more. But in the past year or so, I started wanting to see other people. I knew she had a jump start, but I figured that I had gone through going out with Rachel, Laura, even Angee, and still, deep down, wanted to be with April. I knew through it all, she would always be there.

Really I do love her. And I know she loves me. But... I just don't know if it will all work out. But, I am a much different person that I was back then. And I guess it showed when I bumped into Crystal today. Her career decision notwithstanding, I could go out with her. But I want to be sure that I just didn't wait three years for an end result of nothing before I decide to go out with anybody.

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